In Axsy Smart Forms the File Upload Element supports upload of:

  1. Images
  2. Documents
  3. Videos

When these file types are are synchronised back to Salesforce they can be found inline with the Form Response as well as being listed in File section of the Form Response related list.

Additionally, the Smart Form Designer allows any File Upload content to be included on the related list of the object used to run the Smart Form (e.g., a Work Order record or a Visit record). 

Figure 1 – Object Mapping on the File Upload Element Mapping tab

When it is required to attach files to the Form running record – i.e., the toggle is selected, the effect where the File Upload element is situated affects the mapping that must be configured.

Elements not in a Loop or Repeating Section

Elements not in a Loop or Repeating Section are associated with the object used to run the Smart Form,  therefore the File Mapping must specify (using the magnifying glass lookup tool) the relevant object (e.g., Work Order or Visit). 

The Smart Form does not know the object running the Smart Form, therefore you must specify the correct object in the File Mapping field.

If the toggle is selected and no mapping is specified, then no files will be listed on the related list of the object running the Smart Form – i.e., the toggle is ignored.

Loops or Repeating Sections Without Mappings

A File Upload Element located inside a Repeating Section and / or a Loop, for which no mapping(s) are specified for the Repeating Section and / or the Loop are treated the same as File Upload Elements not in a Loop or Repeating Section.

Loops and / or Repeating Sections With Mappings

A File Upload Element located inside a Repeating Section and / or a Loop which have mapping(s) configured, must have its File Mapping configured to reflect the mapping(s) that apply relative to it's location of the File Upload Element. E.g., if a Repeating Section or a Loop has a mapping configured to a related list object, then the File Mapping must reference this object. If both a Repeating Section and a Loop have mappings configured the File Mapping must reference the related list object specified in the Loop.

Again, the Smart Form does not know the mapping applicable to a File Upload Element located in a Loop and / or a Repeating Section either of which may contain a mapping configuration, therefore you must specify the correct object in the File Mapping field.